For ten thousand years our ancestors have walked the path well travelled.
Like the tiger stalking its prey… They have waited.
Like the snake hiding in the murky water… They have waited.
Like the waning faces of the moon… They have waited.
Until now … the truth lies beyond the mist.
Like the tiger stalking its prey… They have waited.
Like the snake hiding in the murky water… They have waited.
Like the waning faces of the moon… They have waited.
Until now … the truth lies beyond the mist.
Format: Booster Draft
Startgeld: € 16,-
Preise: jeder Teilnehmer bekommt 6 Booster und kann diese Karten für sein Deck verwenden, zusätzlich gehen 2 Booster pro Spieler in den Preispool und es werden Promokarten vergeben.
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